Saturday, November 18, 2006



Am I spelling that wrong? Oh well, the Dr. did another bone density scan this week. I lost less bone than last year but I am still losing too much to quickly. The good news is that when I do develop the osteo there is a treatment that will regenerate the bone, you just have to have a shot every single day for 2 years. The f***? That is good news?? I gave my Dr. the Mike face and she asked me if I was Ok. I told her I was a bit shocked by the news since I had just gone in b/c I thought I had the flu and wanted to get a flu test.

*note* I did not have the flu just the most wicked stomach virus EVER *end note*

So in order to put off getting the freaking shots for 2 years or taking medicine for the rest of my life (another preventitive option) the Doc said I could try a less evasive regime for another year. SO, estrogen, 1500 mg of calcium, vitamin D to help absorb the calcium, weight bearing exercise, and cutting down on caffeine. Grand times I tell ya. The boss lady wants a workout buddy so I am thinking of joining her gym and going after I get off work. Makes for a good excuse to buy an ipod! I think that is going to be my silver lining, yeah the bones are falling apart but I finally get the ipod.

I should change my name to hotflashinbonecrackinmomma.


sublimenigma said...

If the Dr. had actually seen the Mike face, she'd have known you weren't okay.
That face is crazy.

p.s. - we need to teach Oobie how to make that face.