Saturday, August 11, 2007

Where is the notebook when you need it

I had a great idea for a story at an obscene hour this morning as I hit snooze, the idea stayed with me all the way to the point of driving to work... and now.. gone. Poof.. lost in the breeze.

Darn this old lady brain. I need to implant post it notes and a pencil into my forehead. I would forget they were there though. ARGH. I blame menopause.

The weekend is fast approaching, the hour hand is creeping slowly but surely to my release. Plans... the park, swimming, trying not to melt in the 100+ degree heat. Nothing too exciting just a nice relaxing work free couple of days.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Back to school

What do you want to be when you grow up?

No clue, but I do know that I need a degree to do it! Time to bite the bullet and go back to school.

I have an appointment next week and I am going to try and take 1 class this upcoming semester. Between work and home I wonder how long it will take to get a degree doing 1 class per semester... someday I will be walking down the aisle to get my hard earned diploma; walker, gray hair and a row full of cheering great-grandkids!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Don't leave me Mommy!

Kiddoodle knows how to break your heart! I was just going to run to the store and grab some diapers and did not want to take her, it was getting to be pretty late, she needed to go to bed and being in the mood she was in I was not up for the "I don't want to sit in the shopping cart" meltdown that is inevitable when the stars are not aligned. She yells "don't leave me Mommy" so I brought kiddoodle along with hubby to sit in the car with her while I ran inside.

While I was out of her site she proceeded to throw the biggest crying fit, the meltdown that would have happened in the store happened in the confines of the car, saving the public from the eardrum splitting screams but rattling the hubby's nerves to the point I thought he was going to join her. I, on the other hand, had a nice albeit short, run through the grocery store kid free.