Saturday, August 11, 2007

Where is the notebook when you need it

I had a great idea for a story at an obscene hour this morning as I hit snooze, the idea stayed with me all the way to the point of driving to work... and now.. gone. Poof.. lost in the breeze.

Darn this old lady brain. I need to implant post it notes and a pencil into my forehead. I would forget they were there though. ARGH. I blame menopause.

The weekend is fast approaching, the hour hand is creeping slowly but surely to my release. Plans... the park, swimming, trying not to melt in the 100+ degree heat. Nothing too exciting just a nice relaxing work free couple of days.


sublimenigma said...

heh...if you had post it notes and a pencil embedded in your forehead, we could leave you little messages while you slept on the couch.

Princess Pixybell said...

I think I would prefer a pensive, you know the one that Dumbledore has in Harry Potter where you can extract your thoughts and then later on go back and see! how cool would that be. I think I would love to go back and see the people who are stored in my longterm memory the ones who are sadly not around anymore that would be great! xx
P.s Yes I am really 32 but Harry Potter is just GREAT haha