Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Burned burned burned

We stayed at splashtown FAR too long today. Little A rubbed off all the sunscreen under eyes because she kept going "under the sea". Her little cheeks are burned to a crisp... much fun this evening chasing her down with the aloe vera every hour!

Next time we go we are not staying as long! Plus I need to get a babysitter so J and I can go and enjoy the rides!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I can't write about it, but things happened this week that have permanently altered my perception of people. And not in a good way.

It's like becoming paralyzed. You wake up one day, walk to the bathroom, sit down and never stand up again. If I had known that I would never again stand up off the toilet I think I would have grabbed a brownie before I went in.

I am not stuck on the toilet, but I can't write about what IT is due to the sensitive nature of the issue, the people involved, and the publicity of this forum, but my future self that will one day read this will know.

Last Thursday was a day that will alter a lifetime.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Rat Pix

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Scary books and funny movies.

I am trying to read House of Leaves... I think I made it all the way to page 19 before I freaked out and threw it in the freezer. Jay has taken over the reading of it for now and I have been working on 3 other books. I really shouldn't read this many at once but I think it is a defense mechanism to keep me away from HOL. That sh** is scary, and I am hard to scare!

I watched "He's just not that into you" tonight, that was funny stuff. Very quirky and humerous, it was kind of like a horoscope in that it was vague enough to be relatable to everyone, but smart enough to keep you interested.

I also watched "My Bloody Valentine", not scary at all, lots of gore, almost everything one looks for in a cheesy horror movie. Me likes me slasher movies and this one is in 3D... bonus if you can tolerate the headache the glasses cause.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Oh Rats

Today I was walking out to go water the garden when I noticed the plants by the house wiggling. I didn't investigate as I had little A with me and didn't really want to get chased down by a snake. After picking two large cucumbers out of the garden we were bringing them inside when this big freaking rat showed up and stood staring at us on the front porch. I swear he gave us the finger before slowly moving down the path and hiding in some leafy plants. He looked a little mangled, his throat looked cut open and one of his front paws looked gimp. I think he had a fight with the cat. I haven't seen the cat since I let him out earlier, makes me wonder if this big freakin rat got him.

Ok, I exaggerated, he didn't give us the finger, he just banged his two fists together at us (like Ross in Friends).

I will post the pictures I took of him (from the safety of the house) later.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Where has the time gone?

My little girl is now 4... where did the time go? I am so happy that I am at home now to enjoy this a lot more. She is changing so fast and there is no way to hold on to her.

We have been doing crazy amounts of construction around the house, it is looking so nice. The rats are not enjoying it as much as we have, they have declared war against us and have been waging nightly raids the likes of which I haven't seen since the baboon nazi's march across Europe.

Pests are embarrasing, probably shouldn't mention them but there is just not much else to talk about these days.