Monday, January 28, 2013

I read a f-n book!

Depression sucks ass.  I love reading and depression always takes away my ability to read a book.  I have gone through a really bad bout over the past 6 months... really bad and for no reason.  No trigger, no trauma, just my stupid flippin brain.  Being a Wife and Mother adds guilt to the depression, which makes it worse and it spirals out of control until you get to a point where you realize that the only time you have felt joy all week was when you were contemplating disappearing into the woods and not exhisting.  Glad I am past that point, dragging myself by my fingernails out of dark rotted well I have fallen into.

So after 6 months I finally finished a freaking book!  YAY!  It was a long book too, Columbine.  Granted not the happiest topic ever but it got me interested enough to slog through it.  Now I can start tackling the 60+ books that have backed up on my shelves waiting for me to get over myself.