Saturday, August 01, 2009

An odd thing to remember

Once upon a midnight dreary I was a thin young lass.

Toooo thin.

5'7" and about 110 lbs.

Scary thin.

And then I met hubby, got married and put on weight as people do. It took a while though before I really noticed the fat cells around my belly. I remember quite clearly the day that I did realize it though, which is an odd clarity in more normally fuzzy cell banks that reside in the brain. I was at work, the job before the airline, and went to the restroom. As I sat down I felt skin fold over and touch that I had never felt before, it was kind of an odd sensation and I spent quite a few fascinated minutes staring in the mirror figuring out that my chest and my tummy had somehow managed to reach out and shake hands. Not a happy day.

Truly an oddly clear memory that came to me tonight out of nowhere.

Now I need to reverse 8 years and go back to the time before skin could touch!


Princess Pixybell said...

HAHAHAH! Now that made me laugh. I have just started biking and I'm hoping it will spur me into going back the gym, I used to go 5 times a week, somewhere amongst the trials of life it stopped and I need to get my mojo back. x