Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ouchy arse

Last week while carrying Little A down the stairs I went kerplunk. It was only the last 3 steps and I took the brunt of the fall on my left cheek, Little A sustained no harm. As I sat on the floor at the bottom of the stairs assessing how bad the damage was she told me I needed new socks.. smart bugger.

Yesterday Hubby, Little A, and I went out for pizza and games. We discovered on Wednesdays the local pizza place turns on almost all of their games for free, including the bowling. So I started a game of bowling on my own lane, and it automatically starts with 5 players. So by myself I played for 5 people, after 10 frames each I noticed that the muscles around the left leg were a bit sore.

Got into work today and the combination of the majorly bruised left arse cheek along with overused muscles has created a painful, numb, weak leg. I am gimping it around the office today. It is almost the 1 year anniversary of the day I sprained my hip.

Seriously why do I fall down so much? I am F-d when I get old!