Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Houston, we have a problem

Little A and I were getting ready to go out to lunch yesterday, standing in the driveway she informed me that Little A had blown away and wasn't there anymore. I asked her what her name was, she said "Houston Hallow". I asked her where her parents where, she said they were at work. They work for the same company that I do and that she was spending the day with me since they weren't home. I asked if she went to the same school as Little A, she said no, she was in high school. I got HH into Little A's carseat and as we were driving out of the neighborhood she pointed at a house and told me that was where she lived.

Her personality didn't change through the day, she was still same old Little A, just calling herself a new name with a whole new backstory. At one point during the day she told me her name was Charlie Chaplan. Finally last night she wanted her blankie, I told her that was Aubrey's blankie. She looked at me and told me she was Aubrey again and asked me if I missed her.

Little A is very imaginative 2 year old, I told hubby that I was going to google Houston Hallow and if an obit showed up I was calling the Dr!


Anonymous said...

That is so imaginative! You sure are going to have your hands full in a few years!

Tell HH that we would love to see her Monday afternoon!

Anonymous said...

How cute is that, I think you have an actress on your hands there, and a very sweet one at that! she sounds great xx