Saturday, May 24, 2008

Extended vacations...

Are a wonderful thing! My plans to return to work on Wednesday were foiled by the rents impromptu excursion to the Indy 500. No babysitter= 3 extra days of vacation. BONUS!

It was a truly grand vacation, friends from Canada, Philly, new friend from St Louis all came down for a romp. And it was a grand romp, kid in tow and all. Little A had a little too much fun and is insisting on an immediate trip to Canada. She can even locate it on a map!

Little A had her 3rd birthday, I got to say Terrible Two's have NOTHING on the Three's. Good times, I say, good times!

Girls night out is in the planning stage, and honestly I cannot WAIT for the great escape! The yearly girl trip has become a true highlight of my mothering existence.

Went to the dentist again last week, the permanent bridge did not fit right..AGAIN. The temp bridge managed a whole week before it fell out, new all time high. Currently I am having to take pain killers every 4 hours or the Charley Horse that has been squatting on my face starts to hurt more than I can bear. Yes..charley horse. You know that high pitched stinging pain you get when you calf muscle tweaks out and bunches up in a knot. I have that pain on my face, specifically the right side on my jaw. Fucking hurts... yes I cursed it's THAT bad!


Anonymous said...

Holy cow how crap is that your still in pain!! I hope you get it sorted soon, how funny though to hear you swear (well read you swear haha) xx