Thursday, May 01, 2008

Call a taxi

Driving home last night I looked in my rearview and noticed someone tailgating me. There was not much traffic on the road so it was really unnecesary and annoying. He moved over into the right lane, drove a ways and then changed back into my lane to tailgate some more. At this point I figured the guy was drunk but there was a car beside me so I couldn't ease out of his way. He finally ended up going back into the right lane, I slowed up a bit so he would pass.

After passing me he swerved onto the shoulder of the freeway, got almost to the grass and then over corrected going past his lane and halfway into mine. I kept slowing and putting distance between us. He managed to stay in his own lane for about 30 seconds before he started drifting onto the shoulder again. But this time as he went onto the shoulder we were going under an overpass and instead of going into the grass he slammed into the wall. His SUV went up on two wheels after hitting the wall, he landed on all 4 and sped away. At the point of impact he was going at least 70, a few seconds later and I couldn't see his tail lates so I can't even imagine how fast he was going.

No, I didn't call the police, I didn't get his license plate and he sped away so fast there was no point. Hopefully he made it home safe and sound without harming anyone. If so I am sure he got up today, saw his car, and is having to put out some cash to fix it. Worst case scenario, someone else didn't make it home because of him. It infuriates me that there is even a possibility of a worst case scenario. If you drink don't drive, it is not rocket science. The money he would have spent on a cab is far less than what he is going to spend fixing his car... and that is if it was a best case scenario. The money he spent on a cab would be far less than the money he would spend in legal fees and so on if he hit someone.

We had a car totaled once because someone chose to drive drunk. Hubby was sitting at a stop light when he got rear ended by someone going 60. She could have called a cab or her husband but instead decided to drive and put my hubby in the hospital. So not worth it, and you can't blame the young, she was in her 30's... the guy last night looked around the same.

Don't do it!


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. When I was 18 I had my one year old in the car when a drunk pulled out of the bar and just didn't see my huge car with it's headlights on coming down the street. Thankfully we all escaped with no harm.