Are a wonderful thing! My plans to return to work on Wednesday were foiled by the rents impromptu excursion to the Indy 500. No babysitter= 3 extra days of vacation. BONUS!
It was a truly grand vacation, friends from Canada, Philly, new friend from St Louis all came down for a romp. And it was a grand romp, kid in tow and all. Little A had a little too much fun and is insisting on an immediate trip to Canada. She can even locate it on a map!
Little A had her 3rd birthday, I got to say Terrible Two's have NOTHING on the Three's. Good times, I say, good times!
Girls night out is in the planning stage, and honestly I cannot WAIT for the great escape! The yearly girl trip has become a true highlight of my mothering existence.
Went to the dentist again last week, the permanent bridge did not fit right..AGAIN. The temp bridge managed a whole week before it fell out, new all time high. Currently I am having to take pain killers every 4 hours or the Charley Horse that has been squatting on my face starts to hurt more than I can bear. Yes..charley horse. You know that high pitched stinging pain you get when you calf muscle tweaks out and bunches up in a knot. I have that pain on my face, specifically the right side on my jaw. Fucking hurts... yes I cursed it's THAT bad!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Extended vacations...
Posted by Hot Flashin' Momma at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mothers Day
I am starting my vacation this moment.. yes this MOMENT! So Happy Mother's day to all and I will be back later.
Off to play with the Canadian kids (as they have been so lovingly dubbed), the philly kid, R I will call you so we can play too!!!
*happy dance*
Posted by Hot Flashin' Momma at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Business casual shorts?
Our office has a business casual policy, it's pretty casual as jeans are acceptable attire. The question of Bermuda pants came up today. For those unfamiliar think shorts that cover the knee, or capri's that come up high.
So the policy says no shorts. Do Bermuda shorts count? Or are they really Bermuda pants? They are kind of the mini skirt of the capri world. To me they are just long shorts, they push the envelope a bit in an office environment and I wouldn't wear them.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't send someone home for wearing them, I just personally don't think they are appropriate for work. To others they are acceptable wardrobe options for the office.. but I must point out that the V.P.'s don't wear them to work.. and you are supposed to dress for the job you want right?
BTW I am not talking about the ladies suits you can buy with that style pants, these are bright pink with a swirly black pattern on them.
Posted by Hot Flashin' Momma at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Too much consumerism
The rents took their empty big screen box and made a house for Little A. It's a very cool cardboard house so this weekend Little A and I painted it to look a bit more homely (beige walls, blue roof with painted on shingles), she added some throw rugs for her "floor", a small table and chair, we rolled her kitchen up to the side, pasted some "wallpaper" on and she has herself a full fledged house!
Only problem is it's in MY house, which has become quite crowded with too many toys! She has her own play room, bedroom, art room, and yet her toys are still overflowing into the dining room! I have been boxing up old toys for the garage sale that I can't have in my neighborhood; yet I can't seem to downsize fast enough.
And now her 3rd birthday is looming with the prospect of even MORE toys... we are going to have to rent the house next door to store all of our stuff! Soon Hubby and I will be sleeping in the backyard.
Of course if you ask her Little A will tell you she needs more toys, in fact Mommy's sole purpose of working is to make more money to buy her shoes.
Posted by Hot Flashin' Momma at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Call a taxi
Driving home last night I looked in my rearview and noticed someone tailgating me. There was not much traffic on the road so it was really unnecesary and annoying. He moved over into the right lane, drove a ways and then changed back into my lane to tailgate some more. At this point I figured the guy was drunk but there was a car beside me so I couldn't ease out of his way. He finally ended up going back into the right lane, I slowed up a bit so he would pass.
After passing me he swerved onto the shoulder of the freeway, got almost to the grass and then over corrected going past his lane and halfway into mine. I kept slowing and putting distance between us. He managed to stay in his own lane for about 30 seconds before he started drifting onto the shoulder again. But this time as he went onto the shoulder we were going under an overpass and instead of going into the grass he slammed into the wall. His SUV went up on two wheels after hitting the wall, he landed on all 4 and sped away. At the point of impact he was going at least 70, a few seconds later and I couldn't see his tail lates so I can't even imagine how fast he was going.
No, I didn't call the police, I didn't get his license plate and he sped away so fast there was no point. Hopefully he made it home safe and sound without harming anyone. If so I am sure he got up today, saw his car, and is having to put out some cash to fix it. Worst case scenario, someone else didn't make it home because of him. It infuriates me that there is even a possibility of a worst case scenario. If you drink don't drive, it is not rocket science. The money he would have spent on a cab is far less than what he is going to spend fixing his car... and that is if it was a best case scenario. The money he spent on a cab would be far less than the money he would spend in legal fees and so on if he hit someone.
We had a car totaled once because someone chose to drive drunk. Hubby was sitting at a stop light when he got rear ended by someone going 60. She could have called a cab or her husband but instead decided to drive and put my hubby in the hospital. So not worth it, and you can't blame the young, she was in her 30's... the guy last night looked around the same.
Don't do it!
Posted by Hot Flashin' Momma at 2:01 PM 1 comments