Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Post New York

Pretty sure there was a tantrum going on here in Central Park

The view from our room.

We decided on New York Friday morning after Priceline gave us a good rate on a hotel. Go Priceline! We had a great time between tantrums, NYC did not quite cater to our little spoiled child as much as she would like. She loved the taxi's, the toy stores, and the playgrounds. She did not love top of the rock, hubby and I did though. Our hotel was directly across the street from the WTC site, our room looked down into the construction. It was horribly depressing. We walked across Brooklyn Bridge and wandered around Brooklyn to buy a stroller. THAT was an experience! Little A was an angel on the flights both to and from. Oh and Century 21 is my new favorite shopping spot. I saw Maggie from Extras there, stalked her a bit. My feet and legs are terribly sore from all that walking, no wonder everyone is skinny there!


Princess Pixybell said...

I loved Century 21 its right near the hotel you stayed in, if I remember right? I bought all kinds from there!! looks like you had fun!! xxx

sublimenigma said...

The pictures are great. Looks like you all had a fantastic time.