Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wild Kingdom

I took little bit outside yesterday afternoon to toodle around the yard. The weather was beautiful and the animals were frisky. We were enjoying listening to the birds cheep and watching the squirrels dig up long buried nuts and feast away. We were watching one squirrel in particular because he was fairly close to us, just a few feet down the driveway, cute little grey thing.

He was minding his own business, keeping one eye on us and digging around in the yard when all of a sudden a big black cat pounced from out of nowhere. The cat landed on its back and proceeded to throttle and bite at the squirrels throat. Little bit ran to me wanting picked up b/c she knew something horrible was happening. I walked her into the backyard and out of view until the slaughter was over and the squirrel stopped screaming. Before I released her I stuck my head around the corner to make sure that cat wasn't eating the poor squirrel right there. There was no blood, just a couple of dusty paw prints in the dirt to indicate that anything had been there.

The neighborhood squirrels spent the next 10 minutes perched on their trees yelling at each other about what had happened. "Holy Shit did you see what happened to Joe?" "That cat came out of nowhere!" "Ayup that was old Ray's cat, he never got over the night that the squirrels abducted him." and of course there was one Nilly little squirrel three trees over saying "See kids that is why you always leave a note!"